Liverpool John Moores University

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01 October 2008

Gradus has supplied Esplanade Plus primary barrier matting for a Learning Resource Centre at Liverpool John Moores University, providing a safe and attractive entrance for students.

Based at the City Centre Campus, the award winning Avril Robarts building is a modern Learning Resource Centre providing support for the Faculties of Health, Media, Arts & Social Science, as well as Science and Technology & Environment. The Centre also provides students with three floors of computer and internet access, and houses seminar rooms, computer and subject help desks.

Specified with Swift (black) wipers to help disguise any marks or dirt, the matting was installed at the main building entrance to help maintain the appearance of the Centre’s flooring, by reducing the amount of moisture and soil tracked in by staff and students. It will also help to improve safety by reducing the risk of slip accidents caused by wet or soiled floors.

Janet Martin, Director of Corporate Communications at Liverpool John Moores University, commented: “With over 24,000 students attending the University, The Avril Robarts Learning Resource Centre is frequently used by students to access the internet and the University’s vast information resources.  Therefore it was important that the specified matting was durable enough to cope with heavy everyday use. The matting from Gradus not only performs an important safety function but also helps to maintain the appearance of the surrounding floor, creating a cleaner environment.”

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