
In the last in our series of guest blogs about inclusive design for dementia, Dawn Linnie at Age UK Tameside gives the perspective of a dementia support worker, highlighting the im

If you're designing or are responsible for a busy public building, a matting system should be a top priority. We offer three different types of system and several different mats within each.

As part of Dementia Action Week, the Alzheimers Society is calling for reform of the social care system, to better provide and protect those supporting people living with dementia (more detail can

Being 'in stock' isn't something we often shout about - it's a minimal expectancy of today's customer, however, in this climate and with the enormous range we offer, we're going to!

Specifying Gradus wall protection for a hospital

When specifying interior solutions for education environments there are multiple products to consider, as well as many factors driving the specification.

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